Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Poetry Month: Book Spine Poetry Contest

National Poetry Month is coming up and what better way to celebrate than with a Book Spine Poem Contest- AGAIN!

What is Book Spine Poetry, you ask? This!-

Last year's winner: Kelly Cole

Last year's Runner Up: Elizabeth Donahue

Since we, the Shatford Library Student Association, think this is a fun way to celebrate we are hosting a contest. Make your own spine poetry and send us a picture of it! You could even get a nice prize for it. ;-)

ONE photo per participant. Please submit your book spine poem photo to ICC.PCCSLSA@gmail.com. Also, please label the email "Book Spine Poem Photo Contest" and have your name in the email along with the attached picture.


  1. You must submit your entry through your go.pasadena.edu or your pasadena.edu email.
  2. You may use a maximum of 6 books and a minimum of 3.
  3. Use only the titles of the books, please.
  4. No vulgarity! This is a public, school event so keep it classy. Thanks.
  5. You may use books from home, the public library, Shatford library, you name it!
  6. If you use books from your library please take a pencil and paper with you to write down titles that stand out – you can go back to them later and you'd be saving the staff and the other patrons a lot of trouble.

DEADLINE: April 18, 2014 - 11:59pm.

First place winner will receive a Vroman's Gift Card.
Second place winner will receive a Coffee Gallery Gift Card.
Third place winner will receive a notebook.

Have fun and be creative! If you have any more questions please feel free to post comment. We look forward to seeing your entries!

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